Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
High Brown Butterfly, Skovperlemorsommerfugl, Fabriciana adippe
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Grayling, Sandrandøje, Hipparchia semele
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Map, Nældesommerfugl, Araschnia levana
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Idas Blue, Foranderlig Blåfugl, Plebeius idas
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Small Heath, Okkergul randøje, Coenonympha pamphilus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Large Skipper, Stor Bredpande, Ochlodes Sylvanus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Black Veined White, Sortåret Hvidvinge, Aporia crataegi
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Comma, Det Hvide C, Polygonia c-album
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Blue, Almindelig Blåfugl, Polyommatus icarus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Peacock Butterfly, Dagpåfugleøje, Aglais io
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Green-veined White, Grønåret Kålsommerfugl, Pieris napi
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Silver Washed Fritillary, Kejserkåbe, Argynnis paphia
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Amanda's Blue, Isblåfugl, Polyommatus amandus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Small Blue, Dværgblåfugl, Cupido minimus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Purple-edged Copper, Violetrandet Ildfugl, Lycaena hippothoe
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Amanda's Blue, Isblåfugl, Polyommatus amandus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Small Skipper, Skråstregbredpande, Thymelicus sylvestris
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Scarce Copper, Dukatsommerfugl, Lycaena virgaureae
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Peacock Butterfly, Dagpåfugleøje, Aglais io
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Large White, Stor Kålsommerfugl, Pieris brassicae
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Ringlet, Engrandøje, Aphantopus hyperantus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Queen of Spain fritillary, Storplettet perlemorsommerfugl, Issoria lathonia
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Common Brimstone, Citronsommerfugl, Gonepteryx rhamni
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Scarce Copper, Dukatsommerfugl, Lycaena virgaureae
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Small Skipper, Skråstregbredpande, Thymelicus sylvestris
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Common Blue, Almindelig Blåfugl, Polyommatus icarus
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
The Marsh Fritillary, Hedepletvinge, Euphydrydas aurinia
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Balkan Marbled White, Balkan Skakbrædtsommerfugl, Melanargia larissa
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Clouded Yellow, Orange Høsommerfugl, Colias crocea
Studsholt´s Nature Photography:
Swallowtail, Svalehale, Papilio machaon