studiokumar: blacksun-01
studiokumar: Setup Shot #2, Pink and Sharp
studiokumar: Pink and Sharp, P.I.G.
studiokumar: Setup Shot #1, Pink and Sharp
studiokumar: EDC gear
studiokumar: B vs. the Sun
studiokumar: Light Source, P.I.G.
studiokumar: Worn Out, P.I.G.
studiokumar: Complicated Mechanism, P.I.G
studiokumar: Irregular Shapes, P.I.G.
studiokumar: The Foghorn Magazine, Banner Ad
studiokumar: Magnolia on Tree, Shanghai
studiokumar: Magnolia on Tree, Shanghai - Setup
studiokumar: Shanghai Bund at Night
studiokumar: Shanghai Exhibition Center
studiokumar: Textile Art, Ji Wenyu and Zhu Weibing
studiokumar: Pu Jie Painting in a Moganshan Gallery
studiokumar: Moganshan Galleries
studiokumar: Chen Wenling Sculpture in the Duolun Museum
studiokumar: Zeng Fanzhi Painting in a Moganshan Gallery
studiokumar: Moganshan Galleries
studiokumar: Dinosaur Comics Pillow - Detail
studiokumar: Dinosaur Comics Pillow
studiokumar: Mosaic in Chora Church
studiokumar: Mosaic in Chora Church
studiokumar: Mosaic in Chora Church
studiokumar: Mosaic in Chora Church
studiokumar: Gravestones at Suleymaniye Mosque
studiokumar: Mannequins near the Grand Bazaar
studiokumar: Sleeping Dogs