gseloff: Captain Crunch (Yellow-crowned Night Heron)
Glenn Bartley - Flame-throated Warbler (Parula gutturalis)
ebiller1: 10/20 I love this place <3
Yamil Saenz: Magnolia Warbler
J.Hunter Photography: White-winged Crossbill
J.Hunter Photography: Dall Sheep Ram
ebiller1: 11/20 Turns out whoolly bears are moths..
Earl Reinink: Sandhill Crane
ebiller1: 11/12 When the sky is so gorgeous you don't need to edit the photo. 😍
ebiller1: 11/16 Even though I didn't feel good. It was so nice to be outside on a warm November night with you
gerstat: Magnolia warbler
teddcenter: WARBLER, Black-throated Gray
teddcenter: WARBLER, Virginia's
teddcenter: CREEPER, Brown
teddcenter: REDSTART, Painted
gerstat: Red knot
Mike D Wildlife Photography: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Earl Reinink: Cranking the tunes...
Josh Gahagan: Cape May Warbler
Josh Gahagan: Black-throated Gray Warbler
Josh Gahagan: Common Cuckoo
Josh Gahagan: Red Crossbill
Josh Gahagan: American Woodcock
Chantal Jacques Photography: Lincoln's Sparrow
Mike D Wildlife Photography: Northern Waterthrush
Mike D Wildlife Photography: Red-necked Phalarope in flight (Explored 7-3-21)
Mike D Wildlife Photography: Bristle-thighed Curlew in flight
Mike D Wildlife Photography: Red-necked Grebe
Mike D Wildlife Photography: Bluethroat displaying
Mike D Wildlife Photography: Prairie Falcon in-flight