stubirdnb: DSC_0450
stubirdnb: P1070176
stubirdnb: P1060942
stubirdnb: P1060939
stubirdnb: DSC_0483
stubirdnb: North Atlantic Right Whales courtship group off Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, on September 16, 2008.
stubirdnb: Eastern Meadowlark near Shemogue, Westmorland Co., New Brunswick on 20 December 2013
stubirdnb: Eastern Meadowlark near Shemogue, Westmorland Co., New Brunswick on 20 December 2013
stubirdnb: Pine Warbler at Shediac Cape, NB on 16 December 2013
stubirdnb: Marsh Wren at Riverview Marsh, Albert Co., New Brunswick on 9 December 2013
stubirdnb: first-winter LITTLE GULL at Cap Bimet, Westmorland Co., NB on Dec. 4, 2013
stubirdnb: ad. LITTLE GULL at Cap Bimet, Westmorland Co., NB on Dec. 4, 2013
stubirdnb: Snowy Owl at Petit-Cap, New Brunswick, 29 November 2013
stubirdnb: Dunlin at Petit-Cap, New Brunswick, 29 November 2013
stubirdnb: Snowy Owl dodging crows at Caissie Cape, NB - 26 Nov 2013
stubirdnb: Ross's, Snow, Greater White-fronted, Cackling and Canada Goose at Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, NB, 10 November 2013
stubirdnb: Dark Canada Goose at Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, NB, 10 November 2013
stubirdnb: possible 'Dusky' Canada Goose at Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, NB, 12 November 2013
stubirdnb: Map of Ross's Goose locations at Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, NB - Oct. 19-21, 2013
stubirdnb: Ross's Goose at Sainte-Marie-de-Kent, New Brunswick on October 20, 2013
stubirdnb: Common Myna at Seal Cove, Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick on 20 July 2013
stubirdnb: Northern Gannets at Cape Enrage, Albert Co., New Brunswick on April 23, 2013
stubirdnb: Red-breasted Mergansers
stubirdnb: female Red-breasted Mergansers at Shediac, New Brunswick
stubirdnb: Flock of Red-throated Loons migrating high over Cape Enrage, Albert County, NB on April 10, 2013
stubirdnb: Brant passing Cape Enrage, Albert Co., NB on April 10, 2013
stubirdnb: Piping Plover and snowflakes - Waterside Beach, Albert Co., NB - April 9, 2013
stubirdnb: ad. male Common x Barrow's Goldeneye hybrid at Sackville, New Brunswick on Jan. 22, 2013 - photo by John Chardine
stubirdnb: male Common x Barrow's Goldeneye hybrid at Sackville, New Brunswick on Jan. 22, 2013 - photo by John Chardine
stubirdnb: Tantramar Marsh Golden Eagle sighting location for Jan. 21, 2013