Sabine Israel: Schwäne am Urbanhafen
Rick Tulka: Things I see while riding my bike around Paris 819
bogema: Настя Шу в Бекицере
Blue York: A pig in reception, Scandic By Porten Hotel, Oslo
paul heaston: Fellissia
mikeyashworth: "When you see enduring work..." - advert issued by the Stuart's Granolithic Company, 1938
David Fullarton: A Full Plate
Mike Rohde: Green Bay vs Arizona Divisional Playoff sketchnote. So proud of my team coming back, sad they lost in OT. So it goes. Go Pack Go!
douglaswittnebel: #water #painting practice #dadanddaughter #Saturday morning
apple-pine: More #rocks #rocksandminerals #sketchbook #treasures #drawing #process
stevefaradaysketches: Karlsruhe Railway Station_November 2015 .
karenius S: from krøkla
karenius S: string group
karenius S: orchestra playing, seen from the gallery
karenius S: luseby 2
toni belobrajdic: Fish-by-tony-belobrajdic
Mike Rohde: Visual Note-Taking for Educators from Wendi Pilars is here and it looks great! Get it at Amazon!
Wil Freeborn: Tam Shepherds
apple-pine: Sketchbook #93: Treasures
emusing-emma: Make a retro local postcard
phil candy: Burleigh Street, Cambridge
Er tío'e la cafetera: Strathmore's Pass the Journal
Trevor Dickinson: Mansfield House
Michael J Biddulph: coast line
wiredz: friends at dawn
Wil Freeborn: Robert Mondavi Winery
Javier Alberich: 1506202