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albums of streetsensedc
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2024 PIT Count | 01.24.2024
MLK Library | 8.29.2023
NAEH Capitol Hill Day | 7.19.2023
One Journey Festival | 06.24.2023
ICH Full Council | 6.27.2023
ERAP Portal | 6.27.2023
Clarence House | 6.12.2023
Carlos Carolina | 5.24.2023
Nikki Smith | 5.24.2023
Poetry Slam | 3.18.2023
Home is where the heart is (03.22.2023)
DCHA Investigations Press | 03.30.2023
Council Budget Brief | 3.24.2023
McPherson Square Eviction 02.15.2023
McPherson Sq. Eviction | 2.8-15.2023
Robert White | 1.14.2023
McPherson Signs | 1.31.2023
PIT Count | 1.15.2023
DCHA Leasing event | 1.6.2023
OAG Presser | 10.20.2022
HCVP | 10.14.2022
Sybil Taylor | 9.16.2022
PFFC Vigil | 12.21.2022
Scott Circle Closure | 12.14.2022
Council Mtg | 12.6.2022
NDWA Rally |11.10.2022
A Better Way Home Exhibit | 10.21.2022
PathForward WalkArlington Walking Event | 09.17.2022
Mt Vernon Engagement | 8.24.2022
SSM Encampment | 8.16.2022
Landlord Tenant Court
Tiny encampment 06.2022
Mayoral Forum | 05.03.2022
SNAP Benefits | 04.25.2022
Emancipation Day Parade | 04.18.2022
Policing of Unsheltered Communities | 03.02.22
Columbus Plaza/Union Station Encampment Closure | 03.30.22
John A. Wilson Building
New Jersey and O Street Encampment Closure | 12.02.21
Where are they now? Aldo Richardson 11.17.21
Bus Shelter Removal Brief | 11.17.21
Public Restrooms | 11.03.21
BlackburnTakeover | 11.5.21
Justice for Brentwood press conference | 10.26.21
2 Patterson St. NE | 11.02.2021
Phi Beta Sigma | 10.15.21
10.15. 2021 NPS Encampment Closure (3rd and Mass. Ave)
UBI Rally 9.26.2021
ANCs of Foggy Bottom 10.1.2021
Food Benefit Programs at D.C. Farmers Markets 9.28.2021
Franklin Park Re-Opening 9.24.21
9.26.21 Talbert St. Condos
8.28.21 Afghanistan Protest
DCHA properties 8.19.2021
Stimulus Check Assistance 08.18.21
7th and P St Encampment. 8/3/21.
Rapid Rehousing 8.1.2021
Cashless Retail Ban in D.C. 7.13.2021
Playtime Project 7.12.21
Shelter Capacity News Brief
ICH Shelter Capacity
UMC Staffing and Funding | 06.24.2021
10 Q St Encampment 6.22.2021
NJ and O St Park NW 6.21.2021
Franklin Park construction 09.27.20220
Dupont encampment clean up 06.07.2021
Franklin Park Construction 6.11.2021
NoMa K Street underpass eviction | 01.16.2020
April 30 fire in Navy Yard
Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic in NOMA // 04.08.2021
Rodney's Raptors | 04.16.2021
Columbia Heights Civic Plaza 04.15.2021
Strike Force | 4/9/21
CCNV Building | 03.25.2021
Angela Hill Vigil // 02.21.2021
Marbury Plaza rent strike | 12.17.2020 - 02.17.2021
SOS rent cancelation protest | 01.23.2021
Hot meal resource guide | 01.27.2021
Abena Disroe portraits | 01.30.2021
Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol | 11.06.2020
Michael Stoops ashes spread at Luther Place | 12.20.2020
DHS Hypothermia Awareness Event
11.08.2020 PFFC and Ward 6 Mutual Aid Help People Experiencing Homelessness
11.10.2020 Threats to Dupont Homeless Community
Saul Tea and the Hell's Bottom Congress of Puppets
09.22.2020 Harriet Tubman Shelter
2019 Homeless Vigil | 12.19.2019
Ray the Educator | 08.01.2020
2018 SSM pop-up art exhibit
Franklin Square Park July 1, 2020 Closure
Divest from Police, Invest in Communities Rally
Sheila's new home
King Greenleaf Supplies
Calvary Women's Services Makeover
Joseph Young Gentrification Photos for Smithsonian
Opening of The Aya
Holmead Place Tenants
2020 PIT Count
Holmead Rent Strike Rally
The McKenna Singers
Veterans Day "Search and Rescue" 2019
Housing at the Walter Reed redevelopment
DC127 Prevention Program
Sept. 19 NoMa encampment cleanup
Nativity Women's Shelter
Farewell for Patty Wudel
2018 Walk & 5K to End HIV
Fire damage in Congress Heights | 04.26.2019
The Market
Rent Strike | 04.05.2019
Photos by Michelle Modica
Street Cleanup | 04.09.2019
ICH Quarterly Meeting | 04.09.2019
Way Home Campaign budget demonstration | 03.07.2019
Photos by Anthony Carney
State of The District Address 2019
Beacon Center Ribbon Cutting | 03.13.2019
Student walk out for climate | 03.15.2019
What We Are Made Of | January 2019
Winter Warm-up | 01.28.2019
Photos by Kitty Harris
Winter 2019 Marches
Downtown Day Services Center opens | 02.25.2019
2019 Mayor Bowser budget engagement forum at Arthur Capper /
Crummell School Meeting | 02.11.2019
Moyo's Apartment | 02.12.2019
Museum Program
Winterhaven Stand Down 2019 | 01.26.2019
Courtney Dowe | 12.05.2018
Eric Thompson-Bey's graduation | 04.05.2018
Compersia community | 12.09.2018
Jan 2019 Government Shutdown
H4H Howard Theater Performance 12.16.2018
The Ritz | 12.07.2018
Our Common Threads art Installation
New family shelter ribbon cuttings | 11.13.2018
Connie and her cats | 09.19.2018
Arthur Capper fire | 10.01.2018
Welcome Back Council Walk-Around | 09.17.18
NoMa camp cleanups | Aug. - Sept. 2018
Unite the Right 2 counter-protest
First Source Audit | 08.08.2018
Photos by Rolando Aparicio Velasco
Photos by Wendell Williams
Our Customers
Maxine Waters interview | 06.20.2018
D.C. DHS Service Center | 06.10.2018
Photos by Tatiana Brown
801 East Men's Shelter Conditions | 6.12.2018
Joseph's House Spring Memorial Service | 05.03.2018
Casa Ruby Interior | 06.08.2018
Rapid Re-Housing March | 05.09.2018
Walk for Recovery 2018 | 05.12.2018
Annapolis Poor People's Campaign arrests | 05.14.2018
Foggy Bottom camp sweep | 04.05.2018
Middle C Music sweet 16 | 03.24.2018
Way Home Campaign Budget Brief 05.02.2018
Marie Reed Health Center reopening tour | 04.13.2018
GMC Re-opening | 03.19.2018
NOMA Clean Up K Street NE 04.18.2018
Mardi Gras 2018 | 03.21.2018
A'dora Willis
End chronic homelessness march | 03.08.2018
State of the District 2018 protest
"Me Too" for Homeless Women, 03.21.2018
Marion Barry monument unveiling | 03.03.2018
TOPA Legislative Meeting
Jeffery McNeil at the White House | 02.28.2018Jeffery McNeil's writing over the past two years landed him a recent trip to The White House to meet with a member of the Executive Office of the President. In addition to the meeting, he toured the West Wing
D.C. History: Lloyd "Honeyboy" Taylor
16th and W St mural | 02.17.2018
E Street camp cleaning | 02.08.2018
Greenbrier protest | 02.01.2018
Annapolis Women's March | 01.20.2018
Culture Queen on MLK and Civil Rights | 01.13.2018
"I Have a Dream" musical | 01.13.2018
DC MLK parade | 01.15.2018
Annapolis MLK parade | 01.15.2018
Congress Heights March
Public Restrooms Hearing 02.07.2018
Flip Doll Exhibit 2.6.2018
NoMa encampment cleanups | 02.07.2018
Ward 3 Housing and Homelessness Panel 1.30.18
David's new apartment
PIT Count 2018 1/25/18
Making it in Jamaica | 01.22.2018
Tax Bill Reconciliation Rally | 12.13.2017
DC Charlottesville response rally | 08.19.2017
2017 Homeless Memorial Day | 12.21 & 12.22
Photos by Ian Erasmus
Cory Booker | 11.28.2017
Congress Heights press conference | 09.06.2017
Franklin Garcia | 11.02.2017
Baltimore Thanksgiving Day of Empowerment 2017 | 11.18.2017
Home for the Holidays 11.20.17
WildTech CCNV | 11.06.2017
Street Sense Media Health Fair | 11.22.2017
Barriers to use of public space | 05.18.2017
Returning Citizens Panel @ RISE | 11.02.2017
Photos by Orion Donovan-Smith
E Street Cleanups | 11.02.2017 - 11.09.2017
Just Perspectives: Visions of Our World
Dr. Jim Green | 09.29.2017
Miracle 10.25.2017
Grocery Walk | 10.14.2017
Adams Morgan Day 2017 | 09.10.2017
Wendell Williams | 09.16.2017
Barry Farm Lawsuit | 9.18.17
#DragBrunch for HIV/AIDS | 09.16.2017
Tent City, Baltimore | 08.23.2017
Sheila attends UDC | 08.21.2017
Trapped in Housing | 08.09.2017
The significance of moving the MLK mural, illustrated. | 08.09.2017
MLK Mural Move | 06.08.2017
A Day at New Endeavors By Women | 07.27.2017
Brookland Manor
Photos by Jennifer McLauglin
Medicaid Protest | 07.13.2017
Charlie's Place Feature 08.09.2017
NoMa tent community clean-up | 07.20.2017
Affordable Care Act Repeal
Digital Divide | 07.11.2017
Urgent Wellness telemedicine | 07.06.2017
Robert Kennedy | 07.03.2017
HUD Protest | 06.27.2017
CSIS Report Launch | 03.20.2017
Tubman House: Freddie Gray | 04.20.2017
Tubman House: Tamir Rice | June 2017
NLCHP Housing Not Handcuffs | 06.07.2017
Indivisible Baltimore | 04.20.2017
AIDS Walk NY | 05.21.2017
HSRA Amendment
Al Franken | 06.15.2017
Ward 8 Budget
Father's Day, the album | 06.04.2017
Teeth by Mary Otto | 05.30.2017
Michael Stoops Memorial | 05.25.2017
Peace Tent | 02.15.2017
Bilal | 05.26.2017
ADAPT Rally | 05.15.2017
Pathways to Work graduation | 05.22.2017
Homeless Challenge | 12.21.2011
Lenkin Apartments | 05.16.2017
Comey Protest | 05.10.2017
Young, LGBTQ and Homeless: Spring Symposium | 04.19. 2017
George Silleti Memorial | 04.06.2017
Homeless Children's Playtime Project Art
12.4.16 Timone of DC at Sankofa
Bridge Park Land Trust Check | 03.29.2017
National Day of Action for Housing | 04.01.2017
D.C. Public Restroom Initiative forum 03.20.2017
D.C. 2017 Stations of the Cross | 03.22.17
More For Housing Now Rally | 03.18.2017
Women's Day 2017 | 03.08.2017
Barbara Pollard | 03.09.2017
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library Closure | 03.04.2016
Brookland Manor Residents Protest Gentrification | 02.23.2017
Resistance Address protest | 02.28.2017
D.C. Public Restroom Initiatve 02.22.2017
Digital Hope
Anthony Crawford 1 year into housing | 07.16.2017
Street Sense Family Successes
Writers Group
District Mugs
Gray Public Safety Bill Protest | 02.06.2017
Muslim/Immigrants Rally At DC Council | 01.26.17
Interview with CSOSA Director Ware | 01.25.2017
Council Resolution on Human Rights | 01.24.2017
Women's March on Washington 1.21.17
Inauguration Protests | 01.20.2017
We Are Here To Stay Rally | 01.14.2017
MLK Teen Takeover
John and Jill Ker Conway Residence 1.12.17
John Lewis | 01.05.2017
2016 Homeless Vigil
Affordable Housing Forum | 12.07.2016
Art Bus Unveiling | 11.19.2016
Street Sense at the Smithsonian | 11.14.2016
Staging Hope performs at GWU | 11.14.2016
Street Sense Health Fair 2016 | 11.10.2016
Congress Heights Landlord Neglect | 11.10.2016
Remembering Kanell Washington | 11.09.2016
Election 2016 in Action | 11.08.2016
Film Screening at Smithsonian NMAI | 11.05.2016
"Secret" Encampment cleaned up | 10.18.2016
Black Lives Matter Action|10.3.2016
I Want A President Who Reading | 10.14.16
Joyful Food Market 11.16.16
Dog Tag Bakery | 11.02.2016
Is Housing A Human Right? | 10.28.2016
Project Homeless Connect | 10.19.2016
District of Art 2016 | 09.29.2016
Art All Night 2016 | 09.24.2016
Adams Morgan Day 2016 | 09.11.2016
Josh's Tour | 09.10.2016
H Street Festival 2016 | 09.17.2016
30 Days of Volunteering, Healing | 09.12.2016
Saturday, Sept. 10
Weldon Moore Memorial | 09.11.2016
Prophets of Rage | 08.19.2016
Street Sense/Sanctuaries | 08.27.2016
Young D.C. Entrepreneur | 08.27.2016
7th Annual D.C. State Fair | 08.28.2016
Maryland Farmers Markets | 08.24.2016
Kazi Mannan's Mayur Kabab House | 08.24.2016
Lance Johnson Court Hearings
Fruitcycle/Together We Bake | 08.15.2016
EmergencyBnB | 08.09.2016
Coffee & Capital | 07.27.2016
New CCNV Mural | 06.02.2016
July Whitehurst Cleanup | 07.28.2016
Photos by Benjamin Burgess
Crummel Our RFP Response | 7.27.2016
Photos by Sheila White
Whitehurst Encampment Cleanup | 07.25.2016
Summerhaven Stand Down 2016 | 05.28.2016
Veterans Ride to D.C. | 07.04.2016
Photos by Rodney Choice
Street Sense at Hillyer Art Space | 07.12.2016
District Displaced July Exhibit
Rally to Save D.C. Schools | 05.13.2016
Ward 1 Safety Chat | 07.06.2016
Freddie Gray Memorial and First Trial | 06.15.2016
Charm City Ghost Busters
K & 26th Encampment | 06.28.2016
LGBTQ Homelessness Forum | 09.22.2016
Excellence in Journalism Awards | 06.09.2016
"Preacherman" Lance Federal Hearing | 05.18.2016
Baltimore Sexual Assault Demonstration | 04.20.2016
Photography exhibit at American University
Phillip Howard Memorial Service | 04.13.2016
Tenletown Metro Renovation Research | 04.12.2016
CCNV Shelter building | 07.06.2014
Council Reviews DC General Replacement Plan | 03.17.2016
St. Elizabeth's Ceremonial Demolition | 02.18.2016
Bright Beginnings, Inc. Ward 8 Groundbreaking
Fulfill The Promise Rally | 03.05.2016
Union Station Cleanup | 03.10.2016
Staging Hope theater group
Union Station Encampment| 03/08/2016
DC General Replacement: Ward 3 | 03.05.2016
Museum Square and Mount Vernon Plaza | 02.25.2016
Film screening at Miss Pixie's | 1.08.16
Street Sense vendor portraits
Patricia Handy Women's Center Ribbon Cutting | 02.10.2016
Criminalization Forum | 02.11.2016
DBH Oversight | 02.04.2016
Remembering Concepcion Picciotto | 01.25.2016
United Nations Town Hall | 01.27.2016
#OurLivesMatter Town Hall Meeting | 01.27.2016
Remembering Bobby, Praise God! | 01.27.2016
18th Annual Homelessness Marathon
Franklin Square Park | 1.30.2016
#VendorWeek 2016 | 2.01.2016
District Displaced Exhibit | 1.29.16
Anacostia Is My Home | 01.24.2016
Black Lives Matter Send a Message with GoGo | 01.16.2016
Freddie Gray | 1.13.2016
Witnesses to Hunger Event | 1.14.2016
Movement to Eradicate Homelessness | 01.13.2016
11th Street Bridge Park | 01.13.2016
Photos by Matailong Du
Vigil Culmination 2015
Memorial Service 2015
March to Memorial 2015
District Displaced | 12.21.2015
Photos by Robert Williams
10.24.2015 | Rise UP October
Photos by Gwynette Smith
Homeless Persons Memorial Day 2015 | 12.17.2015 & 12.18.2015
Devising Hope theater group
Photography workshop
Brims Pop-Up Shop | 07.01.2015
Photos by JC Diaz
#CampWatergate Sweep | 11.14.2015
DC Legendary Musicians Concert | 10.31.2015
Playtime Project Teen Center | 11.04.2015
Georgetown Ministry Center Outreach Run | 09.30.2015
2015 Street Sense gala
Visualizing Homeless Veterans | 10.1.2015
A-SPAN | 10.01.15
Empire Auditions | 09.23.2015
Sing Talk Read | 09.24.2015
Photos by Henrieese Roberts
Stamp Out Sickle Cell Walk | 09.12.2015
Dele Akerejah | 06.05.2013
2015 Street Sense Picnic | 08.28.2015
Photos by Chon Gotti
Painting Out Poverty | 08.16.2015
Photos by Ken Martin
Photos by Carlton Johnson
Film Interviews
Photos by Sue Dorfman
A Wider Circle at Barry Farms | 08.05.2015
D.C. Statehood & "New Columbia" bill | 10.24.2014
Our RFP: Crummell School | 07.29.2015
2015 Gala Silent Auction Packages
McMillan Park | 07.14.2015
Walk with Francis @ Catholic Charities | 07.22.2015
Remembering Joel @ Georgetown Ministry Center | 07.21.2015
Photos by Reginald Black
Museum Square Stays
Ride to Freedom Concert & Candlelight Vigil | 07.17.2015
Bank of America Student Leaders at the American Red Cross | 7.16.2015
NAEH 15 Conference | 07.15.2015
Time Square Cup | 07.12.2015
The Federal City Shelter Scrapbook | 08.14.2013
Homeless Youth Panel | 06.30.15
Street Sense Selfies 06.17.2015
Former Homeless Youth Visit Washington, D.C. | 06/16/2015
W.O.R.T.H | 06.17.15
PFC Celebrates 7 years | 06.17.15
Samaritan Inns: Clark Inn Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony | 6.16.2015
I Have a Home Here
Mayor Bowser's New Bill | 06/15/2015
PTSD Awareness Month | 6.17.15
Free Minds at Our City Festival | 06/07/2015
Hackathon DC 2015 | 06.04.15
Illustration Workshop
Street Sense Photography Workshop
Excellence in Journalism Awards
Alice Deal Middle School gives back | 06.03.15
Memorial Day Weekend's Rolling Thunder
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
FY2016 Budget Vote | 5.27.2015
KaBOOM! Playground Build Day I 5.26.15
Academy of Hope | 06.03.2015
Tammy Rice | 06.03.2015
Farmers market produce plus | 05.21.15
Congressional Homelessness Caucus: Community Models | 05.19.2015
Deal Gives Back 2015 | 05.20.2015
Casa Ruby | 05.20.2015
LGBT Homelessness Briefing | 05.13.2015
Street Sense Interactive Art
National Geographic Photography Workshop | 04.22.2015
Family Homelessness Forum | 04.22.2015
Housing navigation for families
CAHP for singles
National Conference on Ending Poverty|2015
Sing Out for Shelter Concert | March 28, 2015
Cinema from the Street
Single Adult Shelter Conditions Briefing | March 25
Wangari Gardens
Person First Project | 02.25.2015
Waldon Adams | 03.14. 2015
Vision Zero | 03.09.2015
DC General | 3.11.2015
Andrew O'Brien | 03.11.2015
Christ House | February 25, 2015
Barry Farms New Communities Initiative
Patty Smith Vendor Profile
Housing For All Rally | Feb. 7, 2015
Mental Health and Homelessness Forum
Books from Birth bill article/ 1/26/15
Manna/MLK Day of Service] | [1.28.14]
March with Empower DC at the MLK Day Parade | 01.19.15
2014 National Homeless Person's Memorial Day | 12.18-19.2014
Homeless 2 Hopeful Fashion Show | 102614
DC Dental Clinic | 09.24.2014
Empower DC Community Outreach | 09/05/2014
Illustrations by Sophie Alexander | 06.18.2014
A Community's Fight to "Stop" Hunger | 06.18.2014
Relationship with Street Sense | 06.18.2014
Rooftop Garden at Bread for the City | 06.18.2014
Enchanted Makeovers
Gary Minter
Soul Food: The Sanctuaries | 07.16.2014
CCNV Public Oversight Roundtable
Thrift Store in Lansdowne
Female Vet Rescues Others from Homelessness | 11.20.13
Winter Without a Home | 11.20.13
Winter Shelter Plan for Youth | 11.20.13
Word on the Street
Crimes Against the Homeless Congressional Briefing | 06.25.2015
One Congregation One Family Kick-Off | 06.18.2014
Arcadia Farm Mobile Market | 06.18.14
Street Sense Holiday Celebrations
Georgetown Study on Homeless Singles
Montgomery County Vulnerability Index | 12.18.2013
Illustrations by Angie Whitehurst
Education Rally | 05.21.2014
Prom Dresses
Housing May Fuel Discrimination
Books Behind Bars
Illustrations by Elisha Speller
Know the Name Campaign
A Grateful Year in McLean, VA | 1.15.14
Martin Luther King
Board of Elections
Stone Soup Films | 1.15.14
Among Departed Friends | 1.15.14
Gospel Rescue Mission | 1.15.14.
Witnesses To Hunger | 4.9.2014
Winter 2014 | 03.12.2014
Philanthropy at Franklin Square
Indie Bands with a Mission | 03.12.2014
Photos by Chris Shaw