Thomas Hawk: Ninety Miles an Hour
kavandje: Ein Künstler
kavandje: Dynamo
Geoff Livingston: After the Party Is Over
Thomas Hawk: Jerry Seinfeld, Oakland, CA #seinfeld #oakland #bw #iphoneonly #comedy
mcshots: Malibu3709
Thomas Hawk: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Thomas Hawk: Vesuvius
NASA HQ PHOTO: Expedition 38 Soyuz TMA-10M Landing (201403110011HQ)
mcshots: BigThursdayAMCloud
jurvetson: How it all started... the Nikola Tesla patent on the alternating motor - no brushes or rare Earth magnets needed
mcshots: FireAttack
NASA HQ PHOTO: Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission (201402230014HQ)
ladytechnology: Betty and Lisa
J. P. Krux: Beautiful BMW R75/6
J. P. Krux: Afternoon Spin On The Chapman's Peak Drive
ladytechnology: michelle and mike
ladytechnology: michelle and mike
q-treiber: Windhoff Motorrad BJ 1928
paolovalde: Opatija
Acme Explosives: rainy afternoon downtown
ladytechnology: mike mcgrath
paolovalde: rails+bunny