strange aLice [bit active]: Where do I stand?
strange aLice [bit active]: Seafood Village at Portugese Settlement, Malacca
strange aLice [bit active]: have to stop myself
strange aLice [bit active]: can't decode my thoughts
strange aLice [bit active]: say's explored!!! :P
strange aLice [bit active]: continuous circles..
strange aLice [bit active]: owe me nothing...
strange aLice [bit active]: nothing, but a flower again after 5 months T-T
strange aLice [bit active]: stand out, get noticed
strange aLice [bit active]: rain rain rain...
strange aLice [bit active]: yeah i know, i know...
strange aLice [bit active]: Rise & Shine - Good Morning :D
strange aLice [bit active]: lost its colour...
strange aLice [bit active]: first sight... ;)
strange aLice [bit active]: one plus n getting pretty naughty
strange aLice [bit active]: miss holding her :-[