christopher575: 20190915_084035
Spencer Goodall: Futility closet
cibomahto: Cupcake stand with red velvet cupcake
Marc Palm AKA Swellzombie: They Live painted poster Marc Palm
Clamoring: Hackerbot campout
caseorganic: Dr. James Case - University of Utah (1970)
Man Ton: Bergen
d_flat: Ice Patterns
Michael Holden: Buy More Stuff, Black Friday 2009
AsherBlue: Stimulus Package?
d_flat: Heng
notime4jibbajabba: Pretty, but why do we keep them?
xaotica: Twilight Exit
LeeLeFever: Seattle March for Equal Marriage Rights
The Searcher: Of Pandas and Rainbows
jessamyn: literacy, esl and world languages office. please go away.
tbridge: Pwnsauce
Akanand: This is My Apartment in Kaifeng.
Grimjakk: IMG_0079
d_flat: Serving Duck
d_flat: these three stand out
minifig: Minifig Famous People # 17: Dick Cheney