stramelt: Campanula persicifolia
stramelt: Walking in a wood on a cloudy day
stramelt: Viburnum opulus
stramelt: The ragged-robin — an impression
stramelt: A walk through a birken grove
stramelt: Geranium pyrenaicum — an impression
stramelt: Ranunculus acris — an impression
stramelt: Mid-spring III
stramelt: Mid-spring II
stramelt: Mid-spring
stramelt: Lysimachia europaea
stramelt: Blues
stramelt: Lathurus vernus
stramelt: Myosotum aquaticum
stramelt: Violets in the afternooon sun
stramelt: Alliaria petiolata
stramelt: Lamiastrum galeobdolon
stramelt: Veronica chamaedrys
stramelt: Intimate
stramelt: Ajuga reptans
stramelt: A spring forest
stramelt: Miodunka plamista
stramelt: A woodland anemone against the backdrop of a dog-violet
stramelt: The last of the Hepatica nobilis
stramelt: A daisy
stramelt: Violets
stramelt: Zawilce w deszczowe popołudnie
stramelt: Huddled
stramelt: Przedwiośnie
stramelt: Dokąd wiedzie droga