NIKOZAR (Nicola Zaratta): Christmas light
texasgurl: Autumn SP v2
texasgurl: BWSP
Angela M King: {light}
Brian Grissom: i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
kelly niemann: Kelley & Elkins TTD - Explored!!! Yippie!
Sigrun_O: Walking
minions & myrmidons: mabel mabel set the table
Jesh de Rox: love 42
{ karen }: Day 16/366: "Wook at aw da Fissss!!!"
DesireeH: polka dot jumpers
meaghan cook: pirate in the making
missemtoo: 2/52
poppy smiles: LOMO LCA
Sigrun_O: Day 7/365 Adda
threelittlebirds {Mindy J}: "Sisters.. sisters..."
DandelionSky: what passes for daylight around these parts
BethJansen: Lashes..
BethJansen: I'm baaaackkk...
{ karen }: Day 27/365: Two years