Bernie Duhamel: Juvenile Bald Eagle
Bernie Duhamel: American Bald Eagle
rangerbatt: American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
rangerbatt: Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in flight
Susan Roehl: African Jacana (Actophilornis africanus)
captured by bond: oh Bob D75_6554
NASA Johnson: Astronaut Suni Williams conducts a spacewalk outside the International Space Station
E_Rick1502: American Kestrel
E_Rick1502: Gray Ghost
E_Rick1502: Red Shouldered Hawk
E_Rick1502: Dead Weight
Frank Shufelt: Black-throated Tody-tyrant (Hemitriccus granadensis)
Turk Images: Rough-legged Hawk
Thomas Retterath: African Wild Dog
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi: (blind red fox) affetta da congiuntivite sierosa o muco-purulenta - Scolo nasale e oculare (cimurro?)
PETEJLB: Barn Owl/Common Kestrel
SASPhotography67: The Approach…
Gabriel Gabi: IMG_6374
j. mercier: _VM_6402 - Magpie & wild horse.
MyKeyC: Forster's Tern Low-Hi Key
MarkWarnes: Buzzard Feeding
Gary Fairhead: Snowbird
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Hen Harrier (URN: 2725)
A child in the night: Jim, living in the moment
ronald groenendijk: R24_6391-NR-2
ronald groenendijk: R24_8985-NR
ronald groenendijk: R24_9664-NR