NaturePhocus: Spread 'em wide
NaturePhocus: Landing in a green field
NaturePhocus: land on a tiny branch
NaturePhocus: Launch and Glide
NaturePhocus: On the wing
NaturePhocus: Over the light post
NaturePhocus: Quick on the take off
NaturePhocus: Eyes on Target
NaturePhocus: Long spread of a Short Eared
NaturePhocus: On the up swing
NaturePhocus: Ghost like
NaturePhocus: out behind the barn
NaturePhocus: hover hunt
NaturePhocus: In the evening light
NaturePhocus: Searching for prey
NaturePhocus: Shorty black and white
NaturePhocus: Looking straight down
NaturePhocus: Marsh Hawk over a farmer's field
NaturePhocus: off the branch
NaturePhocus: ternpedo
NaturePhocus: Bald Eagle with dinner
NaturePhocus: Powering through
NaturePhocus: Taking off
NaturePhocus: take away
NaturePhocus: Heading home
NaturePhocus: Fishing or just flying
NaturePhocus: light on the wing
NaturePhocus: Hunting Up Close
NaturePhocus: Odd little bird
NaturePhocus: pretty ducks