stirfryy: Winnie
stirfryy: miss my reedy rat
stirfryy: Peek a boo
stirfryy: A captured bird at the Zoo
stirfryy: IMG_8371
stirfryy: Ratty House
stirfryy: They are so close...
stirfryy: Hamsters!!
stirfryy: Sir Chin giving me the big puppy eyes
stirfryy: Meowy
stirfryy: Smiling
stirfryy: Meowy and Fish
stirfryy: Camelia and Benita
stirfryy: Camelia
stirfryy: Benita
stirfryy: Lucy
stirfryy: Reed
stirfryy: Meowy cat
stirfryy: Hammies
stirfryy: Elephant
stirfryy: Kong in kitchen