computid: Back at the yard after passing the test as a fully licensed truck driver!
markus spiske: broken hdd storage backup
h5b9: Sicherungsschrank
Nachiket Kapre: Thinking Machines...
Chiara Coetzee: Front of Hopper Cray XE6, viewed from left (3)
Chiara Coetzee: Interior of StorageTek tape library at NERSC (5)
Chiara Coetzee: Interior of StorageTek tape library at NERSC (2)
Chiara Coetzee: Interior of StorageTek tape library at NERSC (1)
GBPublic_PR: TitanCabs_10-3 Harddisc / Festplatte I
writethedocs: Listeners
writethedocs: Family Photo
Rob Oo: Engine Room Control Panel
bonheureux: One Ring to rule them all
Brian Danger Hicks: CDC Little Character
dyfustifications: berlin052012_007
h5b9: "Quadrat" von Herbert Bayer