Stickie66: Hang in there
Stickie66: Wat roetsjt daar door de bomen/What’s rustling through the trees
Stickie66: Roodborstje/Robin
Stickie66: Fly by
Stickie66: Oranjetipje - Orangetip - Anthocharis cardamines
Stickie66: Autumn treasures.
Stickie66: Autumn is here.
Stickie66: Colourful Costa Rica (2019)
Stickie66: Best wishes for 2020.
Stickie66: Autumn
Stickie66: Kleine parelmoervlinder/Issoria lathonia/Queen of Spain Fritillary. Voor het eerst op bezoek in ons kleine stadstuintje. First visit of this species in our little garden.
Stickie66: Nature's Art
Stickie66: Make Love Not War (Soldaatje/Common red soldier beetle/Rhagonycha fulva)
Stickie66: 'Papilio machaon'/Koninginnenpage/Swallowtail
Stickie66: Copenhagen in colourful black and white
Stickie66: Happy Easter!
Stickie66: Nose-horned chameleon (Calumma nasutum)
Stickie66: Banana Boy
Stickie66: Canal de Mozambique - Madagascar
Stickie66: El gato
Stickie66: Sculptures 'Caminos' (Lisbet Fernandéz Ramos)
Stickie66: A piece of paradise
Stickie66: Opal Coast/France
Stickie66: At the beach
Stickie66: Dreaming of warm places
Stickie66: Down the hill (an oldie)
Stickie66: Summertime
Stickie66: Almonds, yummy!
Stickie66: Hey, stop pushing!
Stickie66: Eyes wide open