Bayani Artist: blowin' in the wind...
portraitgirl: gramma
gabritinha: Feito->
Sarah.Aradi: César White (Detail)
ellis nadler: etruscan
Marius Græsby: Portrett detalj / Portrait detail
Lookover65: Amy I
.carito.: William III (in progress)
joe.routon: Photograph of an Oil Portrait
greyisthecolor: File0232
lirondamir: Train Portrait
manu trífero: DSCF3675
Alejandro Román: FRANCISCA MARQUEZ. Oleo sobre madera. 51 x 72 cms.
Jluc22fr: N'soleh détail
eselkunst: Kit Fantastic
prakash6164: Dr. Beheshti
annevancamp: drawing (2005)
Carlos Gomis: Anatomical study (head)
velandria: 1024-F EggHead715P
punjabi Paintings By Gurdish Pannu: (punjabi indian art painting)The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.
PORTRRAIT PAINTING: Older Photo turned into a Painting
el @buelo: el abuelo