stevewhitaker: I love this tree. It's a gift for a few days every year. I drive out of my way beginning in mid-October to make sure I don't miss it.
stevewhitaker: My son, the drink artist.
stevewhitaker: Hot chocolate... and then some.
stevewhitaker: Atop Gorham Mountain.
stevewhitaker: Blueberry beer, just in front of blueberry bushes.
stevewhitaker: Not the ugliest place to spend a week.
stevewhitaker: I actually like this shot.
stevewhitaker: [insert dirty joke]
stevewhitaker: The Old North Bridge, a major site in the Battle of Concord on the first day of the American War of Independence.
stevewhitaker: I, uh, thought this was a different kind of machine. Can someone please post my bail?
stevewhitaker: Date tonight. Gotta look good.
stevewhitaker: Trying to beat her history-major dad at Timeline...
stevewhitaker: Alas, poor 24k gold-plated Yorick
stevewhitaker: Perfect baseball night.
stevewhitaker: Bowling time.
stevewhitaker: oh please let's play ball some more
stevewhitaker: Hazel thinks she's still a tiny puppy. I think I'm having a heart attack whenever I wake up.
stevewhitaker: Watch out, Serena and Andy.
stevewhitaker: #nofilter
stevewhitaker: I like this door.
stevewhitaker: Gotta be silly.