stevethatsmyname: Saguaro cactus and 3 planets
stevethatsmyname: Saguaro cactus and 3 planets (2)
stevethatsmyname: Saguaro cactus and 3 planets (3)
stevethatsmyname: Another shot at the moon
stevethatsmyname: Total Lunar Eclipse in Dec 2010
stevethatsmyname: Venus Transit in 2012
stevethatsmyname: rosette Nebula
stevethatsmyname: M51 Galaxy
stevethatsmyname: m45 Star Cluster & Nebula
stevethatsmyname: M42 - The Orion Nebula
stevethatsmyname: M13 Star Cluster in Hercules
stevethatsmyname: flame_processed2
stevethatsmyname: M81 and M82 galaxies
stevethatsmyname: Series describing the Annular Eclipse in 2012 in Arizona
stevethatsmyname: People observing Eclipse at Glenn Canyon
stevethatsmyname: Sun and observers
stevethatsmyname: butterfly cluster in the milky way
stevethatsmyname: north america and pelican
stevethatsmyname: lagoon and trifid nebulae
stevethatsmyname: Milky Way shot in 2011
stevethatsmyname: scorpius1
stevethatsmyname: Orion Constellation including some of the nebulae within
stevethatsmyname: Milky Way, with some Tucson skyglow
stevethatsmyname: Yet another milky way shot!
stevethatsmyname: Skyglow_over_Tucson
stevethatsmyname: Waxing Crescent Moon.
stevethatsmyname: Tycho crater on the moon.
stevethatsmyname: Yet another Milky Way shot!