Todd Easterla: Yellow-browed Warbler (Pylloscopus inornatus) 10/25/2019
Sonarsgs: Having Fun!
Sonarsgs: Soaring
Sonarsgs: Guiding Light
Sonarsgs: The Pier
Sonarsgs: The Harbor
Polioptila caerulea: Curve-billed Thrasher--Toxostoma curvirostre
bengston.dave: Tufted Duck 9D7A5841
Sonarsgs: Splash!
Polioptila caerulea: Curve-billed Thrasher--Toxostoma curvirostre
Polioptila caerulea: Wood Duck--Aix sponsa
bengston.dave: Battery Point Lighthouse
Todd Easterla: Slaty-backed Gull (Larus schistisagus) 02-15-2009 Russian River Mouth, Son. Co, Ca
Sonarsgs: Over Under
Sonarsgs: Soul Survivor
Sonarsgs: SpringCreek
eastbaybotanist: Dusky Warbler
Sonarsgs: It's Thursday!
Sonarsgs: Solitary Sandpiper
bengston.dave: Common Loon IMG_2145
Rob Fowler: Song Sparrow (melanistic)
bengston.dave: Northern Shrike IMG_0948
Todd Easterla: Streaked Shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) Santa Cruz Co, Ca. 10-12-2008
birdman711: Worm Eating Warbler
Sonarsgs: An eerie Moon Rise ...
birdman711: Caspian Tern chasing Immature Peregrine Falcon
Sonarsgs: Mergansers in Flight
birdman711: Ruffed Grouse
Sonarsgs: Let There be Light ...
Podoces: Ringed Kingfisher