StevenANichols: Rays of the Moons
StevenANichols: Moonlight
StevenANichols: IMG_3609
StevenANichols: IMG_3607
StevenANichols: Rotala Macrandra
StevenANichols: 13 Weeks
StevenANichols: 9 Weeks
StevenANichols: Cool Ludwigia found in ditch by my parents house
StevenANichols: Cabomba looking a little pitiful
StevenANichols: Cardinal flower showing new growth
StevenANichols: IMG_3584
StevenANichols: IMG_3594
StevenANichols: Time to trim
StevenANichols: Golden Nesaea Closeup
StevenANichols: Left side of the tank
StevenANichols: Starting to get crowed
StevenANichols: Wisteria is really taking off
StevenANichols: Center forground
StevenANichols: Anacharis (Egeria densa)
StevenANichols: CO2 Tank and Regulator
StevenANichols: Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis brasiliensis)
StevenANichols: Green Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana)
StevenANichols: Cryptocryne balansae and Banana plant (Nymphoides aquatica)
StevenANichols: Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
StevenANichols: Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)
StevenANichols: Red Ludwigia (Ludwigia repens)
StevenANichols: 2 Weeks in
StevenANichols: Golden Nesaea (Nesaea pedicellata)
StevenANichols: Deep within the Mandelbrot Set
StevenANichols: Lady Liberty Ascii Art