A Sandberg: Tre flowers
FotoGrazio: Solar and wind power
Eduardo Amorim: Na sombra da acácia
Eduardo Amorim: Anoitecer na península
Eduardo Amorim: Abstrato
gwburke2001: Blue Dasher
gwburke2001: Got NUTS??
gwburke2001: Blue Dasher on Lotus bud
gwburke2001: Head to Head
Richard Mouser: Noble Feline
Lens and Shutter: The European legacy of spiral staircase.
Richard Mouser: Copper and the Faucet
dejan slavkovich: inevitability
Philip Spavins Landscape & Macro: Towan headland Sunset
mmbottrop: Gänseblümchen
Chris*Bolton: Glendalough
Richard Mouser: Felix the Farmer Helper
dombinadi: June in Norway
Hoffmann Bodo: Spatzenblick
Hoffmann Bodo: Magnolienblüte
Hoffmann Bodo: Kirschblüte
Klaus Kehrls: Nordsee
Lens and Shutter: Native handicrafts.
Lens and Shutter: Sidestreet in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Lens and Shutter: Native handicrafts.
samal tofiq: Rocks end Zone
Julian Munilla Rio: Faro de Burela IMG_3724
Richard Mouser: Shipwreck Simplicity