steve lipanovic: Maori Bay Cave
steve lipanovic: Maori Bay Cave
steve lipanovic: Maori Bay
steve lipanovic: Gannet Rock
steve lipanovic: Gannet Chick Feeding
steve lipanovic: KakaBeak
steve lipanovic: Water Lilies
steve lipanovic: Tough Guys Gals Challenge 3
steve lipanovic: Tough Guys Gals Challenge 2
steve lipanovic: Tough Guys Gals Challenge 1
steve lipanovic: Distorted Horizon
steve lipanovic: 747 turbine
steve lipanovic: Viaduct Basin
steve lipanovic: Viaduct Basin
steve lipanovic: June with cobwebs
steve lipanovic: June with cobwebs
steve lipanovic: Moonlight over the greens
steve lipanovic: Tahuna Torea Reserve
steve lipanovic: Tripod silhouette against wall of War Memorial Museum
steve lipanovic: Hazy Whitford
steve lipanovic: Hazy Whitford
steve lipanovic: From Howick towards the haze
steve lipanovic: Magazine Bay Wharf
steve lipanovic: Magazine Bay Wharf
steve lipanovic: Girl on Bridge