andrew katic: good morning wreck
mr.KIO: It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time
strawberrycandle: コンペイトウ
cathairstudios/photomelange: Onondaga Lake Park - Universe Series #6
pixel_unikat: Winterschlaf
AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora: Take time to see the poetry
Pepelahuerta: La Albufera de rojo
cocytus69: misty
José Fotografia: Cudillero
_SG_: _SG_2010_12_5010
emmylou.virginia: in winter, the shadows are long
司徒 Sensei™: Caramel Latte
Bhavna Sayana: Winter mood
Patrick Campagnone: Creating Night
invekto: Street of Shadows - Night Wanderer II ...
marianna armata: take a seat
magicoda: fantasy
macca jay: Cytaea plumbeiventris
sosij: 6/365 Chiaroscuro
kktp_: Do you see me?
Zack Hughes: Olga Miljko
gureu: trainer
n.pantazis: Slow arrivals
L'Ubuesque Boîte à Savon: "Love will tear us apart" Joy Division