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albums of Sterneck
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Wolfgang Sterneck *
Kolkata Waste Dump Vision *
Athens - ExarchiA - Crisis, Art and Resistance *
Athens - CreActivism *
A Reality called Boom - Spiral Dance @ Boom *
A Reality called Boom - Rhythms @ Boom *
A Reality called Boom - Visions @ Boom *
Free Cultural Spaces *
Free Christiania *
Burnt Decadence - Palácio da Fonte da Pipa in Loulé *
Lisboa - À custa do povo *
Barcelona - Arte Rebelde *
BarcelonA - AnarquistA *
Buenos Aires - Centro Social Okupado de Laferrere *
Solidariedade nas Favelas do Rio *
CreActive - Free urban photo exhibitions *
LOVE AND SELF-DETERMINATION * Impressions of the 1920s (1) *
DESIRE AND STYLE * Impressions of the 1920s (2) *
WORK AND SOLIDARITY * Impressions of the 1920s (3) *
COMMUNITY AND EXPERIENCE * Impressions of the 1920s (4) *
WEALTH AND CONFORMITY * Impressions of the 1920s (5) *
PLEASURE AND LIMITATIONS * Impressions of the 1920s (6) *
YOUTH AND DEVELOPMENT * Impressions of the 1920s (7) *
POWER AND REGRESSION * Impressions of the 1920s (8) *
DREAM AND TRANSFER * Impressions of the 1920s (9) *
Inner Worlds Behind Outer Facades *
A Different Kiss *
Rio de Janeiro - A Borboleta Subversivo *
Na Selva Urbana do Rio de Janeiro *
Bangkok - The Smile on the Concrete Facade *
Way to Oblivion *
Bangkok - Sounds and WorLds *
Circles in flow - Flæði hringjanna *
Mantras of Life and Death *
Bókasafn Anarkista *
Reykjavík - Killing Art and Culture *
ReCreate Space *
Djupavik - Tilvist fortìðarinnar *
Skeletal Megalomania *
Blockupy - Bankfurt Blockupied *
Blockupy - Reclaim Real Democracy *
Blockupy - Räumung in Farbe *
Gedenktag für verstorbene DrogengebraucherInnen *
Art for Change *
Stone-Star-Circles *
Kolkata - Urban Realities *
Hampi - Hanuman and the Free Monkeys *
Kolkata - Share *
Kolkata Slum Realities *
Bogotá - Ciudad Bolívar - Éxito Verde *
Bogotrax *
Bogotá CreAcción *
Hurghada Backside *
Occupy - Playground *
Occupy - United for GlobalChange *
EigenLeben im Institut für vergleichende Irrelevanz IvI *
Party and Politics I *
Party and Politcs II *
Berlin - SubUrbanes Grün *
Berlin - BetonKüsse *
Der Turm *
Wem gehört die Stadt? *
Shanghai - Future's End *
Shanghai - Behind the Facades *
Fusion Night Beats *
Fusion Rain Beats *
Fusion Mind Beats *
Tunesien - Die Scherben der Macht *
Turquoise Oceania *
Crossing inner Bridges *
Hamburg - Oz und die lächelnde Stadt *
Irgendwo in Kreuzberg I *
Irgendwo in Kreuzberg II *
Create World *
Fukushima *
Inside and beyond *
Alice in Paris I *
Alice in Paris II*
Wilde, Morrison and Alice * Alice meets Jim Morrison and Oscar Wilde at Père Lachaise in Paris in September 2010 *
SubParis DéConstruction*
Leerstand zu Wohnraum *
Rhythmus und Gestaltung *
Support Tacheles *
Squat the World *
Begegnungen °*
Naxos - Gestalten *
Naxos - Hinter den Mauern *
Naxos - Hinter den Mauern II *
Hedo - Weltkongress *
Fusion - Alice-Space *
CrAss Songs *
Different *
Berlin X Underground *
Squat La Datscha *
Gemeinsam verändern *
City Ghosts I *
City Ghosts II *
City Ghosts III *
Life is a Playground *
Waldbesetzung *
Subversive Sounds *
Fuckparade *
Berlin X Underground *
Bunte ZorA *
Ichstreik - Be Mayday *
Nachttanzdemo *
In Gewahrsam *
Urban Psychonauts I *
Urban Psychonauts II *
Betonale I *
Betonale II *
Betonale III *
Fusion - Party-Utopien I *
Fusion - Party-Utopien II *
Gathering of the Tribes *
Køpi bleibt ! *
Reclaim the City *
Mutierte Antworten *
Psychedelic Realities *
Gathering of the Tribes *
CSD - Queer Alice *
Make Capitalism History *
Danced Vibes *
Connected Vibes *
C-Base - Raumstation *
Freiraum - Nebeltanz *
LSD-Symposium - The Spirit of Basel *
Gomera - Inside your Sun *
NachtTanzDemo *
Antiparade *
ReCreate Space I *
ReCreate Space II *
Ayahuasca *
San Francisco Sessions *
Moontribe - Gathering *
Fusion - Sterne und Raketen *
Freedom in Grey Days *
Squat Sounds 1993-94 *
Squat Sounds 1991-92 *
Squat Sounds 1989-90 *
Squat Sounds 1987-88 *
Squat the Parliament *
Metzgerstrasse Squat *
Spread your wings *
X* - Div *