stereotype441: Jenn?
stereotype441: Daniel and Sophia
stereotype441: Vince
stereotype441: Hotel Rioja
stereotype441: Mari and me
stereotype441: Mexico City Architecture
stereotype441: Mexico City Architecture
stereotype441: Mexico City Subway
stereotype441: Octavio's kitchen
stereotype441: Octavio's house, ground floor
stereotype441: Playing with the dogs
stereotype441: Playing with the dogs
stereotype441: Pressing leaves
stereotype441: Maricela
stereotype441: Boaz and Mari
stereotype441: Boaz tree-climbing
stereotype441: Octavio
stereotype441: Maricela
stereotype441: Jenn and Mari
stereotype441: Jenn and me
stereotype441: Staircase
stereotype441: Mari and Octavio
stereotype441: Mari drinking a piña colada
stereotype441: Thumbs up
stereotype441: Jenn and me