stereotype441: Look what I found
stereotype441: Eagle Creek
stereotype441: I used to have one of these!
stereotype441: I used to program on one of these!
stereotype441: I used to have one of these!
stereotype441: What memory used to look like
stereotype441: Assembly programming hasn't changed much
stereotype441: A register
stereotype441: Univac front panel
stereotype441: Maya and the Difference Engine
stereotype441: Me and Deep Blue's left hemisphere
stereotype441: Driving in San Francisco
stereotype441: Lindsey and Alex's wedding present
stereotype441: Lindsey and Alex's wedding present
stereotype441: Lindsey and Alex's wedding present
stereotype441: Spidey
stereotype441: Daphne
stereotype441: Daphne
stereotype441: Tiffany and Daphne
stereotype441: Oscar and Beth
stereotype441: Marie
stereotype441: Latches
stereotype441: Birthday wishes
stereotype441: Parents
stereotype441: Daphne
stereotype441: Daphne
stereotype441: Tiffany and Daphne
stereotype441: Upside-down baby
stereotype441: Jason and Daphne
stereotype441: Me and Daphne