Steph C Kay: A June Bride
Steph C Kay: IMG_0642
Steph C Kay: The Look
Steph C Kay: Time to say goodbye
Steph C Kay: Hand Painted
Steph C Kay: Morning Coffee
Steph C Kay: Whatcha doin?
Steph C Kay: Living in Africa
Steph C Kay: Walking on the lands
Steph C Kay: Golf Course View
Steph C Kay: Clearing the field
Steph C Kay: Walking along the border fence
Steph C Kay: Beautiful Biscuit
Steph C Kay: Pleeeese don't put me in the car!
Steph C Kay: Overnight Raindrops
Steph C Kay: What????
Steph C Kay: You say Tomato, I say Tomato.
Steph C Kay: Early mornng view
Steph C Kay: Sticker Baby
Steph C Kay: Tractorman!
Steph C Kay: The Lesser Known Ichthyospanneratops
Steph C Kay: Looking out my cottage back door
Steph C Kay: A Gathering of Strelitzias
Steph C Kay: Study in Corrugate
Steph C Kay: Brolly of veins and cells
Steph C Kay: 360 Degree View from the Koppie