Cheryl - Vickypoint: kookaburras - these kooka's were ''laughing" so loud. video of their laughing in comments below
Shen_Stone: Construct in Trees
Nick Fewings 5 Million Views: Searching For Utopia
John A. McCrae: Yes, a bit slower than the Interstate
michaelleckman: Blue hour, with Parry Sound glowing in the distance
Shen_Stone: Fuschia
g0rsty: Painted Sky
Shen_Stone: Sunday Morning Football
Johntasaurus: Brittle
mikeyp2000: Toned web 2
g0rsty: Light house
Shen_Stone: DSC_6361_v2
Strykapose: The Gomez Mill
Lee Summerson the 1st: Marina colours
photoMakak: Duality
rok20147: Salt river sunset
Johnny Cooman: Lede Herfst in Park (02)
magnus.johansson10: calm water
yago1 | Photography: Colorful Cacao in Ecuador
Puffer Photography: He who guards the keys.
Normann: Icelandic Landsape
Normann: Hvalfjörður
Normann: View from Fossatún Farm
Normann: Troll
Normann: Troll
Normann: Salmon River by Fossatún Farm