SAS Photographie: Alice_SAS_5800
JensLPZ: In the mirror: Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) - Gray/grey heron · · · (5D4_1909)
brandonzcreations: Magic Carpet Ride
Ales Dusa: Interesting face #2
JensLPZ: Kormoran-Action (Phalacrocorax carbo) - great cormorant · · · (5D4_1655)
P. Eric: Danse sur la neige - Dance on snow
Luc L. Legrand (thanks for 7 M views): Macrotritopus defilippi, octopus oracle, タコオラクル、章鱼甲骨文,
jerseytom55: naira-29
Photographe Autodidacte.: Soviet army shooting
Amy Hudechek Photography: Happy Thanksgiving!
P. Eric: Rouge
Fèlix González: Breda 4842
Photo Luc@: Il ritratto rubato
yvescourt123: Cerf de Virginie !
Betty Vlasiu: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
didier95: Portrait féminin
Vulperine: Sudden insight
ARRRRT: My Heart's in the Highlands
christian mu: autumn I
Mr. Mega-Magpie: Squirrel, Cantigny Park. 49 (EOS)
yvescourt123: Grand Héron !
FotoGrazio: To boldly go where others have gone before . . .