Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Les increvables de notre enfance
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: La Chartreuse - 2020_09_19_183510
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Abandoned Ford tiltshift
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Entrepôts de la cristallerie abandonnée
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Rouge et vert - cristallerie abandonnée
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Tape dispenser - Dérouleur de papier collant
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Ancienne plantation d'agaves
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Ancienne plantation d'agaves
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Les verres des timbrés
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: ECVB - pipes room overview
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Colors of chemical decay - v1
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: A abandoned tank deep in the wood
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Green power control room
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints
Steph [Abandoned or forgotten things]: HORS SERVICE - BW version