Stennie: OSDC - Perl BOF heads for the pub
Stennie: Google hackathon @ OSDC Sydney 2008
Stennie: Google hackathon @ OSDC Sydney 2008
Stennie: Google hackathon @ OSDC Sydney 2008
Stennie: Google hackathon @ OSDC Sydney 2008
Stennie: OSDC Hacking
Stennie: OSDC Registration Desk
Stennie: Networking pair
Stennie: OSDC Helpers
Stennie: OSDC Sponsor Banner
Stennie: Perl + NetXpress = $1 billion
Stennie: OSDC Helpers
Stennie: Phil rules
Stennie: Werewolf game after OSDC dinner
Stennie: Dr. Nic can't resist the camel
Stennie: camel helps at OSDC registration desk
Stennie: OSDC - Perl BOF
Stennie: OSDC - Perl BOF
Stennie: OSDC - Perl BOF
Stennie: Larry Wall uses the Schwartz
Stennie: Anagrammatic
Stennie: Larry Wall w/ camel
Stennie: Yes, I'm ready for another thx
Stennie: Follow the camel
Stennie: Deep thought
Stennie: I also speak Python
Stennie: Seriously?
Stennie: You must be joking
Stennie: First round
Stennie: Enough of this, let's head to the pub