VentoPhotography: Vischering Castle2
VentoPhotography: WindOfChange
VentoPhotography: SkyTheLimit
VentoPhotography: SkyTheLimit2
VentoPhotography: MirrorCubeReflections2
VentoPhotography: When A Storm Is Brewing
VentoPhotography: Moated Castle Vischering 3
VentoPhotography: Moated Castle Vischering 2
VentoPhotography: IntoTheBlue
VentoPhotography: MirrorRefection
VentoPhotography: Rhododendron+Bumblebee
VentoPhotography: Towards the Light
VentoPhotography: Towards the sky
VentoPhotography: LVMBuilding
VentoPhotography: LVMTowerBridge3
VentoPhotography: LVMTowerBridge
VentoPhotography: Schloss Senden April2021
iskender1: Erica carnea
iskender1: comp_junge Kohlmeise, un- + cropped-Kopie_bearbeitet-1
iskender1: comp_Katta1
iskender1: Duftschneeball_bearbeitet-1
Dierk.: Leica M Monochrom 246, Apo-Summicron-M 1:2/75 mm ASPH.
Dierk.: Leica M Monochrom 246, Apo-Summicron-M 1:2/75 mm ASPH.
Dierk.: Leica vs. smartphone
Dierk.: sunrize, Elbe near Hamburg
Pippilotta aus dem Tal: At The Bottom