Stegoforrest: Releasing a new song called Telescope as my solo project stegoforrest tonight:) 🔭check it out on soundcloud. #tropical
Stegoforrest: Seems legit..
Stegoforrest: See you tonight at illegal petes! 9 o clock on south broadway. Lets celebrate some life:) #everydaycation #thetidepools
Stegoforrest: If was awesome seeing our friends from Decollage share the stage with Animal Collective last night! Good job guys:) #decollage #animalcollective
Stegoforrest: Lookin forward to our show on friday at illegal petes on broadway! opening for the super cool band-Diamond Lake!! #tidepools #diamondlake #denvermusic #everydaycation #tropical
Stegoforrest: upload
Stegoforrest: Back to colorado!
Stegoforrest: Believe it or not, when you get past his cold callous exterior this kitty has a sweet creamsicle personality. He's just pretending to be a tough guy. #truth
Stegoforrest: Happy Thanksgiving from #thetidepools!!
Stegoforrest: Its a Dreary grey day:) #thetidepools
Stegoforrest: #nofilter
Stegoforrest: Not a cloud in the sky:) #clouds #thetidepools
Stegoforrest: Just beat the new chapters of monument valley. Oh my glob this game is soo good. #monumentvalley
Stegoforrest: Goodbye Denver. C U soon #denver
Stegoforrest: I stay up wayyy too late. #bedtime?
Stegoforrest: Our design for some white vinyl #someday
Stegoforrest: Our design for some white vinyl. #someday
Stegoforrest: Good morning:)
Stegoforrest: Its a perfect day to go to the book store #snow #magic
Stegoforrest: I know its silly but if you haven't already, please like us on facebook. It helps us get shows and keep doing what we love:) #starvingartist #denverlife #thetidepools
Stegoforrest: The Electro Acoustic Ensemble will be playing next Tuesday at 7:30 in the recital hall!! #denver #ucd
Stegoforrest: Hey u lovely people;) #tropical #everydaycation
Stegoforrest: The gang recording on a snow day #snow #vanceromance
Stegoforrest: There is some really cool art on campus
Stegoforrest: What a sneaky lil guy! #puppys
Stegoforrest: What a Sneaky lil guy #puppys
Stegoforrest: Thank u so much for leaving a dead mouse at the foot of my bed for me :) im glad to know you care #kittenmitten
Stegoforrest: Had a great time playing guitar for the students at wildflower school of voice! Great job everbody :) #polkadot #synth