Fabien Guittard: Sunset over Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
19Manca64: Stadelhofen Trainstation
desomnis: Harsh Winter
wizard_of_dof: Zurich, Switzerland
Knee Bee: Bobbie à l'université
joachim hingler: After the rain
ignasir: La mujer y las gaviotas
AlessandroDM: La femme de Versailles
Peter Hungerford: If only...
Philippe Morin Ganet: A deux sous la neige
Canadapt: 'Siblings'
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Puddle Scene - Becontree
Croydon Clicker: Forest Lodge
F̶̅G̅.: cαlm αfter the storm
marselius1: Swiss Winter
AngusInShetland: Maggie Helen LK 160 Number (IMG_0012mod)
AngusInShetland: Filla Leaving Lerwick (IMG_0038mod)
AngusInShetland: There Will Be No Prisoners (DSC_6280bw)
AngusInShetland: Good Head, Good Hair (DSC_0004bw)
Neal D: No Ploughing Today
dkouroublis: Rainbow
"Carlo": Italian Diary 323 "Streifen" - "Stripes"
myeyejoy: Still water in winter
harrypwt: light and shadow ...
CassieBal: Col des Rochilles 2491m
pablofotografiando: Caminantes.jpg
angelsgermain: Vision of Sardinia
americaisdead: las vegas, nev.