stefan.bayer: Universität Stuttgart K2
stefan.bayer: Jeder ist ein Genie! Aber
stefan.bayer: Understanding is more important than memorization! Schools should teach the students how to understand, think, doubt and question. They should be made open to imagination and creativity.
stefan.bayer: Wiederholung ist die Mutter des Studierens
stefan.bayer: University Hohenheim
stefan.bayer: Sunset over the castle
stefan.bayer: Universität Stuttgart
stefan.bayer: DHBW Neubau
stefan.bayer: Stuttgart
stefan.bayer: Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Stuttgart
stefan.bayer: Humboldt Universitaet
stefan.bayer: Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin
stefan.bayer: Teaching for school vs Teaching for life