stefan.bayer: Never regret a profit
stefan.bayer: The greatest investment you can ever make is you
stefan.bayer: Investing
stefan.bayer: Realestate
stefan.bayer: Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait.
stefan.bayer: The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago - the second best time is now!
stefan.bayer: The only constant is change
stefan.bayer: Transience
stefan.bayer: Up and Down
stefan.bayer: Never stop learning
stefan.bayer: Without you putting anything out there there will never be anything coming back
stefan.bayer: Face your future without fear
stefan.bayer: Life is about doing, being and becoming.
stefan.bayer: If you’re persistent, you’ll get it. If you’re consistent, you’ll keep it. And if you’re grateful, you’ll attract more of it.
stefan.bayer: More than one way
stefan.bayer: Sometimes a lonely road
stefan.bayer: Vision trumps skill and intelligence
stefan.bayer: The world is changing
stefan.bayer: When time is gone and your choices are left
stefan.bayer: Either you control change or change will control you
stefan.bayer: Most of the problems in your life are due to two reasons: you act without thinking or think without acting
stefan.bayer: The man who says he can and the man who says he can’t are both correct
stefan.bayer: You don't know what you don't know
stefan.bayer: You can either run from it... or learn from it.
stefan.bayer: Yes to one thing means no to everything else.
stefan.bayer: Money can’t make you happy but can make you less unhappy
stefan.bayer: Life is always changing
stefan.bayer: Focus on the futur
stefan.bayer: Wer will findet Wege
stefan.bayer: New goals don't deliver new results. New lifestyles do.