Stefan W. Figiel: Asherah the goddess of healing, the power broker, the protector of time travelers...
Stefan W. Figiel: The sacred hymn text is written in a continuous spiral...
Stefan W. Figiel: He also told us the objects are not insects.
Stefan W. Figiel: Heart of glass, these beings are the fallen angels from Arkham...
Stefan W. Figiel: Pre-Antarctica, long lasting low frequencies waves, covert war, and mantras.
Stefan W. Figiel: One type of transportation has been recently rendered into an unappealing prospect...
Stefan W. Figiel: The Day after...the outcome of the eclipse will be different
Stefan W. Figiel: Anything can seem to be real if we are made to look at the wrong place...
Stefan W. Figiel: The battle of Aiwass will come out of the spiritual realm into the physical realm.
Stefan W. Figiel: There had been about 200 cited reports of spontaneous human combustion worldwide.
Stefan W. Figiel: Every car has a cult following of sorts, Erich vonne Dänikom would agree.
Stefan W. Figiel: Baudelaire wrote about the supposed mystical origins of language.
Stefan W. Figiel: An ancient symbol of the universe was a Ship with seven pilots.
Stefan W. Figiel: The ghosts of animals may be as common as the ghosts of elementary particles .
Stefan W. Figiel: They come from a far country, from the end of heaven...
Stefan W. Figiel: The symbol itself may have been suggested by the miraculous multiplication...
Stefan W. Figiel: The Joycean deadmaufive syndrome in Arcadia.
Stefan W. Figiel: We are invited to descend into the earth, into the underworld, or ...
Stefan W. Figiel: The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present.
Stefan W. Figiel: Astral projection and Soul travel under the leadership of noetic guides.
Stefan W. Figiel: Eternals, who kept to themselves on the roofs of the world.
Stefan W. Figiel: Fate will send emissaries to change the faces of floccinaucinihilipilification
Stefan W. Figiel: In order to become a perfect vehicle for the Spirit...
Stefan W. Figiel: He takes the goddess of fertility with him to the underworld.
Stefan W. Figiel: Tension between prim and proper surfaces and the powerful, irrational -- even obtuse -- appetites that lurk beneath.
Stefan W. Figiel: She was later hypnotised and described how she saw figures emerge from...
Stefan W. Figiel: As the product of arcane and neo-demonic influence of Hollywwod in 1923.
Stefan W. Figiel: To explain the extraordinary mystery of these missing ships and planes.
Stefan W. Figiel: Ziggy played the theremin, jamming good with Wieth and Billy, And The Spider from Earth.
Stefan W. Figiel: Instantly, without occupying the space in between.