stefan gop:
stefan gop:
stefan gop:
stefan gop:
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Elder - DSC_9002-Bearbeitet
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Hope for the Future - A Pistachio Tree in the Snow - DSC_9185
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Oh! Brother North Afghanistan
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Village in North Afghanistan DSC_8513
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Kids from the Wakhan Corridor DSC_5363
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dogs are leaving - North Afghanistan DSC_8887
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Old man's coutry - North Afghanistan DSC_3556
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Middel Earth - DSC_0883-Pano-Bearbeitet
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Protection ... DSC_0547
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Milk & honey DSC_5714-Bearbeitet
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dray age 4 - DSC_8847
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balancing stone --- DSC_2086-Bearbeitet
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West Coast USA DSC_8534-2
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Road in Mali DSC_8421 Mali Hombori
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dry age 1 - DSC_8756
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empty land DSC_8700
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Lnadscape 2 DSC_8558
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- Shamata - ruhiges, klares Verweilen DSC_8498 Landscape 3
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cattle grazing DSC_8051
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can't remember where ???DSC_7470
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Black Trees DSC_7386
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Dark sunset DSC_7175
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grazing land DSC_6921
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the turkis lake DSC_6839
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straight ahead Afghanistan DSC_6805
stefan gop:
the lonesome tree DSC_6759