steews4: Vintage Jukebox Telephone
steews4: Hangers and Nodders
steews4: Dupe it Out
steews4: Inappropriate Behavior
steews4: Holt Howard Collection
steews4: 1959 Rock n' Roll Kids
steews4: Purple Pack Mule
steews4: Pink Poodles
steews4: Walk this way...
steews4: Oh dear, someone's getting the salt knocked out of him
steews4: Pixie Planter
steews4: ... a barrel full of laughs...
steews4: Telephones... talking on the telephone!
steews4: Vintage Spice Rack
steews4: Anthropomorphic Fruit Heads
steews4: Kiss?
steews4: Big Friar, Little Friar
steews4: Playin' Cowboys & Indians
steews4: Lefton's Spooners
steews4: Grannies
steews4: Uppercut
steews4: Ladybug
steews4: Good-Bye Cruel World!
steews4: The Barman
steews4: Tweedle-lee-dee!
steews4: Naughty Party Couple
steews4: Oink!
steews4: Oh, my! A fly!
steews4: Just hanging around
steews4: Daisy Dorables!