steews4: happy
steews4: panda
steews4: Enjoying a little bit of sunshine
steews4: Silverback
steews4: soulful face
steews4: I spy with my little eye...
steews4: perched
steews4: flying vultures
steews4: lesser scaup
steews4: 2015 ducklings
steews4: fountain rainbow
steews4: IMG_20140111_231416
steews4: IMG_20140111_231305
steews4: IMG_20140111_230849
steews4: IMG_20140111_230632
steews4: My Favorite Cowboy
steews4: IMG_20140111_230400
steews4: IMG_20140111_230315
steews4: IMG_20140111_225844
steews4: Loon
steews4: Old School Photography Session
steews4: Staying off the cold snow
steews4: Tall Teen in the snow
steews4: stuffed
steews4: big guy little dog
steews4: cautious steps
steews4: Do. Not.
steews4: Dad
steews4: grandparents and teens
steews4: Corvette kid