steews4: sweetie pie
steews4: Fun times fishin'
steews4: Bubble cheeks :)
steews4: Say "cheese"...
steews4: Say "cheese"...
steews4: Nyah Nyah!
steews4: tough guy
steews4: Totally excellent ride home
steews4: Finding a conch shell
steews4: a walk along the tide pool
steews4: reflections of a good day
steews4: enjoying the water
steews4: Night Flying Remote Control Planes
steews4: Tree Coaster
steews4: lessons
steews4: Fetchless
steews4: Fetch Lesson
steews4: Making a splash in Hawaii!
steews4: Portrait 2010
steews4: Portrait 2010
steews4: Portrait 2010
steews4: Portrait 2010
steews4: Portrait 2010
steews4: Portrait B&W 2010
steews4: Goofin' off at the reception!!
steews4: The garter
steews4: First dance
steews4: Best cake topper...ever!
steews4: Looks like the beginning of a move from "The Matrix"...
steews4: Focused