Steelmill22: Dtech Commander issue
Steelmill22: Dtech Commander issue
Steelmill22: Spaceship v.2
Steelmill22: ANH-0023
Steelmill22: ANH-0023
Steelmill22: ANH-0023
Steelmill22: White Washed Mech
Steelmill22: White Washed Mech 2
Steelmill22: Pinecone Sword
Steelmill22: Portal guy.
Steelmill22: Sub-Ship
Steelmill22: Inner Frame
Steelmill22: Trading Ostrich
Steelmill22: Trading Mech
Steelmill22: Camelephant
Steelmill22: WIP Trading Wagon
Steelmill22: Cargo Compartment
Steelmill22: step down stairway to unload cargo
Steelmill22: WIP No. 2
Steelmill22: Scouting post/Crane
Steelmill22: Gun Shoppe
Steelmill22: Start of new baseplate
Steelmill22: Seamless integration!
Steelmill22: All 4 baseplates together. Furnishing will commence when I get my bricks from the online PAB store
Steelmill22: Micromanagement Mech, Made using only pieces from set 70801 "Melting Room"
Steelmill22: Micromanagement Mech, Made using only pieces from set 70801 "Melting Room"
Steelmill22: A-Class BlocHead AT-HAP
Steelmill22: A-Class BlocHead AT-HAP (Elevated Platform)
Steelmill22: A more realistic take on "Post Apoc"