dandridgebrian: Avro Lancasters together
FotoGrazio: California Towhee
MBDGE: 2 in 1 out
Ian Mc Farlane: Puffin, Fratercula arctica
MBDGE: Precise
janet jeffery: Looking mean
markallen61: Busy Bee
sasastro: For me?
sasastro: A bridge to elsewhere
sianmatthews: Blackbird - alpha male
Ruth S Hart: Zephyr Big Bird
MBDGE: Coloured Reflection
Zoki Toki: genex
pohjoma: Sinitiainen (Parus caeruleus), Eurasian blue tit
sasastro: Reflective Heron
philthebirdbrain: Bittern Minsmere 7D Mark II-7723
lunaryuna: Iceland puts a spell on you
MBDGE: Blue Scapa
phil.seagust: Howsham Water Mill
MBDGE: Anchored (Explored)
MagicNJ: P1020253
MagicNJ: P1000670
Gary S. Crutchley: Harley, Shropshire 28/04/2016
aapfarrington: Tortoiseshell Butterfly - explored
Ian Mc Farlane: Nuthatch, Sitta europaea
sasastro: How to get ahead
lunaryuna: no greater sculptor than nature itself
Zoki Toki: 25 Maj
MBDGE: Retired