November 30
Valdības māja:
2022.gada 19.decembris Rīga, Latvija
UNESCO Headquarters Paris:
Erna Solberg, Prime Minister - Norway
UNESCO Headquarters Paris:
Erna Solberg, Prime Minister - Norway
UNESCO Headquarters Paris:
Erna Solberg, Prime Minister - Norway
UNESCO Headquarters Paris:
Erna Solberg, Prime Minister - Norway
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop:
OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum
World Economic Forum:
Press Conference: Friends of the Ocean
World Economic Forum:
Press Conference: Friends of the Ocean
World Economic Forum:
Press Conference: Friends of the Ocean
World Economic Forum:
Press Conference: Friends of the Ocean
World Economic Forum:
Press Conference: Friends of the Ocean
World Economic Forum:
Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World
World Economic Forum:
Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World