ivodelev1: bw portrait
ivodelev1: DSC00035
crabsandbeer (Kevin Moore): Abandoned House - Eastern Shore of Virginia
The Dent.: 1467
moo pa: Tony & Patrick
crabsandbeer (Kevin Moore): This fish tastes like crappie.
crabsandbeer (Kevin Moore): Through the Window of an Art Gallery
moo pa: Twins
The Dent.: 1010
moo pa: Patrick
rtwpix1965: Daddy Longlegs
The Dent.: 1024
The Dent.: 1085
Brian Legate: Gum Wall Stroll
Brian Legate: Three Roses
rtwpix1965: Tiny spider on Purple Echinacea
The Dent.: 1963
The Dent.: X10S7178
The Dent.: 1591
crabsandbeer (Kevin Moore): Redheaded Girl at Honfest - Baltimore, Maryland
crabsandbeer (Kevin Moore): HonFest Reflection - Baltimore, Maryland
Joe Jesus: goddang phil
phreakindee: Standard J-665 Joystick