flashgordonmd: ladybugs
dossodossi: L1274602-Edit-3
jackforlet: huang Moutain
Pepijn Hof: Fox fight
justtjenny: Corgi Power!
Blaffen met Gerrit: Anna en de reuze Mori
Edgar Thissen: Zebra Carcass
blumenbiene: Shiba Inu Kazumi
hvhe1: The law of the jungle
In Memoriam: me'nthedogs: Remarkable Dogs - 1
EricReed: Coffee Thief
New York Public Library: [Woman playing the piano.]
New York Public Library: [Man playing the tuba.]
The Library of Congress: Algerian (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Gen. Fushimi (LOC)
Nationaal Archief: Danseres in traditionele kleding / Dancer in traditional clothes
Nationaal Archief: Whaling / Walvisvaart
U.S. National Archives: Two Black Youths and a Dog in Paterson, New Jersey ... 06/1974
Gerhard Theron: Chacma Baboon (Papio ursinus)
hossweb: Reservoir Rat on a Goldwing
graftedno1: Willow Leaf Beetle
Eddie The Bugman: I LOVE IT ON MY FINGERTIP...
treegoat: Armadillidium vulgare (pillbug)
New York Public Library: Akasaka, Tokyo
OSU Special Collections & Archives : Commons: Geisha Girl Playing the Samisen
New York Public Library: Takaboko Nagasaki