stanze,: My first orange tip
stanze,: Orange tip on red dead-nettle
stanze,: Orange tip tries to hide
stanze,: Speckled wood tries to hide
stanze,: Small heath
stanze,: Small tortoiseshell and pollen beetles on red valerian
stanze,: Spindle ermine larvae
stanze,: Spindle ermine larvae
stanze,: Egg of an orange tip butterfly
stanze,: Alabonia geoffrella
stanze,: Alabonia geoffrella
stanze,: Alabonia geoffrella
stanze,: Speckled yellow
stanze,: Adela croesella moth on ox-eye daisy
stanze,: Wall
stanze,: Holly blue
stanze,: Speckled wood butterfly
stanze,: Strabismus
stanze,: Sooty copper
stanze,: Willow beauty moth
stanze,: Garden grass-veneer
stanze,: Speckled yellow
stanze,: Small tortoiseshell on red valerian
stanze,: Small tortoiseshell butterfly on red valerian
stanze,: Small tortoiseshell butterfly on red valerian
stanze,: Small tortoiseshell butterfly on red valerian
stanze,: Meadow brown butterfly
stanze,: Small tortiseshell butterfly on red valerian
stanze,: Meadow brown on red valerian
stanze,: Small white in flight