stanze,: Our first bee in 2023
stanze,: Honey bee on hellebore
stanze,: Honey bee on hellebore
stanze,: Primrose after rain
stanze,: Honey bee on Oregon grape
stanze,: Incoming
stanze,: Large bee-fly foraging on myosotis
stanze,: A nomada bee in sheep wool
stanze,: Mottled shieldbug
stanze,: Cheeky bee
stanze,: Common carder bee in flight
stanze,: Honey bee on pear flower
stanze,: Bee-fly hovering over a forget-me-not
stanze,: Full of pollen
stanze,: A seven-spot ladybird explores the world
stanze,: Rhyparochromus vulgaris
stanze,: Zebra spider in a moss forest
stanze,: Melanocoryphus albomaculatus
stanze,: Still sleeping
stanze,: Crocus
stanze,: Hellebore
stanze,: Cockchafer
stanze,: Going down in Style
stanze,: Common carder bee on a cornflower
stanze,: Rhaphigaster nebulosa
stanze,: Primrose after rain
stanze,: Flowering quince
stanze,: Red dead-nettle
stanze,: My first orange tip
stanze,: Flowering quince