stanze,: Tagpfauenauge Morsan
stanze,: Vanessa cardui on buddleja davidii
stanze,: Anania hortulata, syn. Eurrhypara hortulata
stanze,: A cute mouselike butterfly on my kitchen door
stanze,: Butterfly with wings closed
stanze,: Dickkopffalter
stanze,: Red admiral
stanze,: Red admiral and bumblebee
stanze,: Large white cabbage butterfly
stanze,: Pyronia tithonus
stanze,: Kleiner Fuchs hat wohl im Sommer gelitten
stanze,: Aglais urtica
stanze,: Aglais urtica
stanze,: Blood-vein
stanze,: Pararge aegeria
stanze,: Pararge aegeria
stanze,: Maniola jurtina
stanze,: Kleiner Fuchs an Lindenblüte
stanze,: Anania hortulata in my kitchen
stanze,: Pieris rapae
stanze,: Ochlodes sylvanus
stanze,: Pyronia tithonus
stanze,: Pyronia tithonus
stanze,: Aglais io
stanze,: Vanessa cardui on thistle
stanze,: Painted lady on thistles
stanze,: Painted lady on thistles
stanze,: Small tortoiseshell on yarrow
stanze,: Achillea millefolium and a small tortoiseshell
stanze,: Small white on a thistle